Sunday 4 November 2012

Thinking Skills

Hi... :)

Before this i tell you all about the five thinking aabilities, higher order thinking requires and reasoning critical thinking. Now i want share about components of critical thinking process and more details about thinking skills.

Component of critical thinking process divided by three. There are :

1) Affective Components
Affective components include valuing truth about self-interest, accepting change, empathizing, welcoming divergent views, tolerating ambiguity and recognizing personal biases.

2) Cognitive Components
Cognitive component more about thinking independently, defining problems accurately, analyzing data for value and content, employing a variety of thinking processes in problem solving. synthesizing resisting overgeneralization and employing reflective thinking.

3) Behavioral Components
Behavioral components inculde delaying judgement until adequate is available, employing precise terms, distinguish facts from opinions, gathering data, encouraging critical dialogue, listening actively and modifying judgement in the light of new info.

Critical thinking skills have interpretion where it is ability to categorize, determine significance and clarify meaning. beside that have analysis where it is ability to examine ideas, identify and analyze argument. Evaluation is ability to assess claims and arguments and inference is querying evidence, weighing alternatives and drawing conclusions. Critical thiniking skills also include explanation where it is presenting well-reasoning arguments to support a judgement or a point of view and self-regulation is self-examination and self-correction.

Becoming a critical thinker need avoid emotional reasoning, ask pertinent question, don't jump to conclusions, be open minded, internalize intellectual standards, consider the source, acknowledge what you don't know and strive for clear understanding, evaluate evidence judiciously, be skeptical and define terms clearly.

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