Friday 28 September 2012

How to Become a good Student

hi guys,

Everyone especially students have dream to be a good student. same with me, be a good student will make my parents proud with me. Today, i got a guide to becoming a good student and i want to share to all my friends.

  1. Attitude: Basically, a good student possesses the ability and willingness to learn new subjects even if the subjects are not interesting.
  2. Academic skills: Acquiring academic skills is the most important quality of a good student. Ability to read comprehensively, to write effectively, to speak fluently, and to communicate clearly are the key areas in which a student must be proficient. Having a good command in all these areas will make a student to shine in the class.
  3. Ability: A good student has the ability to apply the results of his or her learning in to a creative way and achieve the goals.
  4. Perceptiveness: How well a student can interpret and perceive meanings from a conversation greatly determines the quality of a student. A good student always perceives right meaning from conversations, but an average student often misunderstands the original thoughts of a speaker or writer and derives a wrong conclusion.
  5. Self-Discipline: Discipline in managing the time is an important factor that every good student must possess. Often delaying the tasks, such as writing assignments, reading text books, etc, may negatively impact the ability of a student to achieve the goals.
  6. Understanding rather than memorizing concepts: Resolving any doubts by asking about them on the spot is always a good thing. Several surveys suggest students must understand the concepts rather than just memorize them. The memorized facts and theories will stay in student's memory until they leave school, college, or university. Once out of school, the students will totally forget the core concepts that they had learnt. Therefore, it is essential for a good student to understand the concepts.

We can achieve things by setting targets for ourselves and working towards them. everyone know where nobody not perfect in the world but we have strengths and weaknesses that we have to accept. For me, as long as you try hard every day, you will be successful. Sometimes success is just going to bed at night knowing you did the very best you could do.

I hope this guide can help me and you all to becoming a good student.
No matter who you are, if you try hard enough you can succeed! ......:)

Tuesday 25 September 2012

Get Well Soon

hi guys

i'm not feeling very well since yesterday :(
i got flu and sore throat and it make me not comfortable. i have a lot work to do like assignment, committee work and presentation because of my condition not very well all my tasks cannot be completed as i target. beside that, my focus in study also being disturb but thanks to my friends especially ayu and ika because understand me and take care about me. i appreciate it.

hopefully tomorrow my condition getting well and and can give me full commitment to my study.

Sunday 23 September 2012

Who Am I??

I am Wan Nursyahidatul Afira bt Wan Mohd. just call me fira. i have medium toned skin and i have dark brown eyes. Come from terengganu and now continue study at UITM Puncak Alam, Kuala Selangor. Before this i study at Politeknik Sultan Haji Ahmad Shah, Kuantan.

I am very friendly, affable, independent, responsible and humble but i also stubborn, picky, easy irritable and like sulking. i have deep thinker although it is small matter, Oh my God, maybe i probably think to much. hehehehehee

What i want in my life?? think, think and think, hehehe, i really want to success in my life. success to me is very subjective term. Success in my life means being happy especially with my lovely family, doing what i love everyday, having respectful relationships with those around me, success in study and following my dreams.

I have philosophy in my life where trust myself and don't give up and what important i know myself better than anyone one else. Be happy, be free and also be responsible. I have personal mission where i want to find my inner strength and overcome obstacles that hide my goals.

That all about me. :)

Friday 21 September 2012

My Great Family

Hi and Assalamualaikum

I think about my family and it make me miss them so much. i feel sad because i live far away from them but i will smile again when i look their picture. So, today i want to talk a little bit about my great family. What Make me happy, i have a large family where i have ten siblings. it is big right? hehehehe, i have 8 sisters and two brothers where i am second child.  i really miss my dad and my mom, they are great parents to me, without them who i am. What make me proud with my dad, he always tell me study very important and he always want our success in future, because of my dad i continue my study, i want make him happy. My mom is great person, i can share everything with her, when i happy or sad my mom always in my side. When i alone, i will smile when i thinks about my siblings, they have very different characteristic but it make our family filled laughter of them. and what are important not forgetting my cute nephews Aqilah and Alya, when i back i cannot wait to see them, i want hug and kiss them, they are very hyperactive and it make me our family always smile with their actions especially to my mom and dad. i am very lucky because i have a great family and i really love my family very much.

Wednesday 19 September 2012

Registration at UITM Puncak Alam

I had two weeks at UITM Puncak Alam, registration for the course OPEMS but it remain unresolved. i had to face all of the challenges for this semester. I have to take paper for part 1, 2,3 and 4 and its make me scary where credit hours for this semester 24 credit hours. Class schedule is very compact and it make me very tired every day but its life as a student where not easy to success.I had to working hard for this semester. i always thinks if another people can do, i must be like them. Effort, Prayer and Trust.Insyaallah, i can do it