Tuesday 30 October 2012

My feeling


Hi guys...

Long time, i had not update my blog. In Eid al-Adha, i'm sure you all busy with family and your relative.. I'm right??? same with me, i'm also busy with my family,we only celebrate simple our Eid al-Adha. Actually i want to tell about my feeling, i'm feel very sad because my grandfather was in hospital today. He must operated because of cancer, i cannot believe this happen to him, when i see my grandfather' face i'm feel so sad, i know he very sick with his condition. our family do not expect it happen to him. i'm hope the surgery is successful. I want my grandfather be better than before. Please pray for him..May ALLAH bless my grandfather.amin.

Sunday 21 October 2012

my hometown in Terengganu

Hi guys

now, i'm really excited back to my hometown, i think i'm homesick right now...hehhehe, actually, its already 2 months i do not back, i'm really miss my family especially my lovely mom and dad.. and do not forget to my lovely naughty sister 'kak ain' and 'adik'.. and also to my cute niece 'kakak' and alya.

i cant wait to see them..erm..:( really miss them....cannot wait for this tuesday, i want back to my sweet home....:(   ,,smile fira, only 2 days again..:))

Wednesday 17 October 2012

Managing Knowledge and Data

Today i learn something new about managing Data in class information system. What i learn, in IT applicatios require data. The data should be of high quality, meaning they should be accurate, complete, timely, consistent, accessible, relevant, and concise.
In managing data, there are common challenges where :
  • Data are scattere throughout organizations and are collected by many individuals using various methods and devices. These data are frequently stored in numerous servers and locations and in different computing systems, databases, formats, and human and computer language.
  • Data come from multiple sources.
  • Information systems that support particular business process impose unique requirements on data, which results in repetition and conflicts across an organization.
One strategy for implementing data governance is mata data. Master data management provides companies with the ability to store, maintain, exchange, and synchronize a consistent, accurate, and timely 'single version of the truth' for the company's core master data. Master data management consistently manages data gathered from across an organization, data from multiple sources, and data across business processes in an organization.
Organizations can use knowledge management to develop best practices, the most effective aand efficient ways of doing things, and to make these practices readily available to a wide range of employees. Other benefits of knowledge management include improved customer service, more efficient product development, and improved employee morale and retention.

Sunday 14 October 2012

The Young Generation (Generation Y)


Hi Guys....

Today i'm interested with topic generation Y because i'm also include in geration Y. Lets see what actually generation Y.. :)

Generation Y,also known as the Millennial Generation, is the demographic cohort following Generation X. There are not precise dates for when Generation Y starts and ends.Generation Y beginning birts dates ranging from the later 1970's or the early 1980's to the early 2000s

Generation Y grew up with technology and rely on it to perform their jobs better. Armed with BlackBerrys, laptops, cellphones and other gadgets, Generation Y is plugged-in 24 hours a day, 7 days a week. This generation prefers to communicate through e-mail and text messaging rather than face-to-face contact and prefers webinars and online technology to traditional lecture-based presentations.

With the advancement of technology, luxury and a palette of options available, the younger generation are naturally practical. They are optimistic and ambitious and wishes to explore all possible horizons.

Science has made life very easy for the generation today. With the advancement of technology and ease of living, generation to come will be even more pratical. So, as the young generation we should be grateful with what we have now...:)

Saturday 13 October 2012


What is love???? evrybody know what is love rights??? and i'm sure you all falling in love with someone that you like.. heheheheh ... actually, love is not only person you like, but love can also for family, friends and to people in the worlds.  only who know what actually the love can feel that feelings..

Let we see what the meaning of love. Regarding to wikipedia, love is an emotion of a strong affection and personal attachment. Love is also said to be virtue representing all of human kindness, compassion and affection.

In English, love refers to a variety of different feelings, states, and attitudes, ranging from pleasure to interpersonal attraction. Love may refer specifically to the passionate desire and intimacy of romantic love, to the sexual loves of eros, to the emotional closeness of familial love, to the platonic love that defines friendship, or to the profound oneness or devotion of religious love, or to a concept of love that encompasses all of those feelings.


Love is inherently free. It cannot be bought, sold, or traded. You cannot make someone love you, nor can you prevent it, for any amount of money. Love cannot be imprisoned nor can it be legislated. Love is not a substance, not a commodity, nor even a marketable power source. Love has no territory, no borders, no quantifiable mass or energy output. So, we must take care and love the person who we love until the end..peace..:)

Monday 8 October 2012


Hi guys....

Morning and have a nice day...:))

Topic today is about image. What the meaning of image based on your mind????
For to all, image is one of most important asset. The set of qualities and characteristics that represent perceptions of you as judged  by others is your image.

Do you realize that people throughout the day are observing you and making judgement about you?? they notice your dress, facial expression, hair and hands, attitude, body language, and overall conduct.

Image is very important because the image much more than the clothes we wear.  Our self-image strongly held, essentially determine what we become. So we must take care about image in our life. :))

Thursday 4 October 2012

All about Friends and Friendship

Everyone in the world have friends, same with me i have friends and i'm really love them so much. For me friendship is a relationship that involves trust, understanding, communication, and honesty. Being able to speak your heart out to your friends and spend good time with them is an important part of this relationship. Beside that,being a good friend is about being reliable, kind- hearted and thoughtful.

How to be a good friends ??? i'm always think to be a good friends to my friends and for me to be a good friends i must to be honest, be real, be loyal, be respectful, share, watch out my friends, pitch in for friends during times of crisis, give thoughtful advice when asked, listen, step back and give my friends space, don't be selfish, be forgiving when things go wrong in friendship and be trustworthy.

Believe me, true friends are more than just good friends. They will support you even when they are in problem, without expecting anything in return. Love your friends until the end. Peace.. :))


Wednesday 3 October 2012


Hi Guys...

Today i'm very happy because i learn something new about gamelan. Actually i dont know what is it gamelan and i think if gamelan best or not. When i enter this class, its very amazing because i can learn and see all instrument about gamelan. so as usual, i want share with u all about gamelan. Hope you all enjoys with it.

Gamelan music is an integral part of all cultural activities in Java such as wayang kulit (leather puppets) performance, court dance, uyon-uyon (symphony orchestra performance), etc. There are two kinds of laras (tuning) in gamelan, namely slendro (comparable to minor key in Western music) and Pelog (major key). A complete set of gamelan consist of two sets of different instruments of Slendro and Pelog, such as:
  1. Kendang (double ended drum beaten by hands)
    It is a leading instrument. The pengendang (drumer) is the conductor of the gamelan orchestra. There are five (5) different sizes of kendang from 20 cm to 45 cm.
  2. Saron
    A glockenspiel with bronze bar struck with wooden mallet. There are three kinds; Saron Barung, Saron Peking, Saron Demung.
  3. Bonang Barung
    A double row of bronze kettles resting on a horizontal frame, played with two long stick bound with red cord at the striking end.
  4. Bonang Penerus
  5. Slentem
    Thin bronze bars suspended over bamboo resonating chambers, struck with a padded disc on the end of a stick.
  6. Gender
    Similar to slentem with more bronze keys and smaller bamboo chamber, struck with two disc-shaped hammers.
  7. Gambang
    Wooden bars laid over a wooden frame struck with two sticks of supple buffalo horn, ending with a small, round, padded disc.
  8. Gong
    Each slendro and pelog set had three gongs. Two big gongs (Gong Ageng) and one gong Suwukan about 90 cm, made from bronze, suspended on a wooden frame. It marks the end of the largest phrase of the melody.
  9. Kempul
    Smaller gongs, marks a smaller phrase. In each slendro and pelog set, there are 6 (six) or 10 (ten) kempuls.
  10. Kenong
    Smaller gongs lay horizontally on crossed cord, inside a wooden frame. A complete set of kenong in each slendro and pelog consist of 10 (ten) kenongs.
  11. Ketug
    The kenong player also plays it smaller kenong, marks subdivisions of phrases.
  12. Clempung
    A string instrument, each slendro and pelog set needs one clempung.
  13. Siter
    Smaller cemplung, each slendro and pelog set needs one siter
  14. Suling
    It is a flute, each slendro and pelog set, needs one suling.
  15. Rebab
    A two stringed viol, the same as slendro and pelog.
  16. Keprak and Kepyak
    Needed for gamelan to accompany dances.
  17. Bedug
    It is a very big drum.
The bars of the gamelan instruments can be made either from iron, copper or bronze. The bronze bars are the best choice. All the gamelan players are sitting cross-legged on a mat during a performance.
In a gamelan music concert or karawitan performance, the Kendang player or pengendang conducts the Tempo, while the melody is led by the bonang player The gamelan orchestra includes some singers (Pesinden), female as well as male.   For me after i know what is it gamelan, i want learn more about it because it is very interesting. i hope i can do and play much better all intruments related with gamelan.  :)

Monday 1 October 2012

Self - Esteem


Hi guys...

Today i would like to share about self- esteem . everyone have self esteem maybe every self -esteem difference with each other. am i right??? what does it mean to have self-esteem?? Regarding Norman Vincent Peale, self-esteem means, believing in yourself-having ' humble and reasonable confidence in your own powers..

why we need self-esteem and what important of self-esteem?? important of self-esteem are one of the fundamental traits of effective leaders, enhances establishment of good interpersonal relations, a prerequisite for productive behavior and more motivated and optimistic, productive, creative, amendable to change and decisive.

what do's and don'ts in self esteem?? In do's we must engange in positive self-talk, make a list of what you like about yourself, we can also talk with others about your good qualities, focus on our achievements and plan for our future. we cannot try to imitate someone else such as role model we like. beside that, we cannot think negatively about ourselves, dont neglet yourself and dont let setbacks get the best of you.

thats all about self esteem i want share with you all. hopefully, it can help you all find out self-esteem and what important, we must improve self-esteem by participating in an activity what make you enjoy.......